- CHM2045 Exam 1 practice materials (scroll down)
- CHM2045 Exam 2 (scroll down)
- CHM2045 Exam 3 (opens link)
Watch Academic Resources SI leaders and tutors solve individual problems from actual old exams which are provided by the professors who wrote them. This is a tool designed to help students identify the areas they need to improve. Used correctly, these materials provide academic success. We strongly recommend that students try to solve the problems on their own before watching the video solutions.
Our aim is to guide students to focus on understanding concepts and problem solving skills.
Meet our video tutors: (link opens in new tab)
Download exam 2 practice problems (CHM2045)
Download exam 2 practice problems key (CHM2045)
EXAM 2: Video solution links for each question below (links open in new window and require UF authentication)