Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (Firefox or Internet Explorer recommended)
All Academic Resources tutoring has moved online using Zoom.
When you make an appointment, a confirmation email will tell you how to access your tutor online.
Test your Zoom set-up ahead of time here:
Appointments are free tutoring sessions. A student may schedule one appointment per course each week (2 courses/semester max). These appointments are 50 minutes in length and are granted upon tutor availability.
The student should understand that these tutoring sessions are meant to clarify information presented in class and to help the student with problem areas. These sessions are not to take the place of regular classroom attendance. More on what to expect
In addition to receiving help with specific subjects, Academic Resources also provides assistance with study skills / learning strategies. Click here for more information about the study skills program.
For questions regarding the appointment program, please call us at (352) 392-6420.
Did you know you can receive text message appointment reminders? Log into tutortrac to activate SMS text reminders like this